Monday, June 20, 2011

The Adorable Blogger Award

Its cool to be shouted out Ive been mentioned by two dope blogs my sister sites and Both are Major in there own right one all things in the Literary family and other all things Fashion...Thanks Maam's!!
Ten Things About Me
  1. I am Always Hungry
  2. I Love Things that make me CHUCKLE!!!!
  3. Music is all that ...Music is all that and I think you what I mean by that !
  4. I got accepted to Parsons School Of Design
  5. I hide my expulsion letter in a jacket I had that transformed into a bookbag in the 3rd grade 
  6. Fashion Has been My everything since forever Mens and Women's... Styling is my LIFE
  7. Brownies are really good I can eat them everyday seriously
  8. There is something about Dark Chocolate Women :)
  9. When Im out of town my whole reason is to find a T-shirt or Shoe no one has back home
  10. I own alot ...I mean really alot of shoes so many I don't wanna say the number ."just forget it "
                    Since I  was shown Love I show it back the "The Adorable Blog Award"Goes to 




                                                        The Rules of This Award Goes:

  1. Contact these bloggers and let them know they received this award
  2. Nominate your bloggers
  3. Tell Us 10 things about yourself
  4. Thank the person that Nominated You and link it back to your post

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